Saturday, December 1, 2007

感恩&12月桌布下載;Thankful & December wallpapers

阿丹:大家謝謝,你們真的很好。我相信我所有的貓咪故事都很棒,過去造就了現在的我們。不管過去辛苦不辛苦囉。至於現在,姨姨和馬迷不用再面對過去繼母這個窘境了,三年前開始我就活得很自在很自由。我是走老來運吧我想。阿公在家的時間也會常常找我玩,不過我還是很怕他,現在我想大家知道為何我會怕阿公了吧,不過阿公線再常常打國際電話第一個是問媽咪和姨姨好不好,第二個就是問我呢!! 他還把我的相片給他的客戶看,大家都說我好可愛喔~! 謝謝大家,我會努力悠閒的過著我的晚年生活的。然後跟你們分享著生活。


Adan : Thank you everyone for yesterday. I actually believe every cats' stories are the best. The past us make the present us, whatever I lived well or not. I have very good time now, and that is good enough for me. For Pamilla, michico and Toshie, let's say, they don't have to face this stepmother condition since 3 years ago. I guess I have my great retirement life now. Right now my grandpa dail international phone to michico, the first thing he asks how are his daughters, and the second thing he always asks how is Adan~! Grandpa even shows my pictures to his clients, everyone say I am cute :) Although I still afraid to be with grandpa, but he is very trying to play with me time to time.

Thank you all. I am living happily now. And also sharing my life with you - my great cat friends. Into the Cat Blogoshpere, I restarted to learn what is sharing. Sharing to all of you totally change my retirement life. I am really touching everyday, and I will keep sharing as best as I could.

Happy Gotcha Day to Lovely Beautiful Marilyn~!

Let's go to Her Party~!


Here are my wallpapers of December, save free.

1024 x768 , 1152 x 864 , 1280 x 1024

1024 x768 , 1152 x 864 , 1280 x 1024

1024 x768 , 1152 x 864 , 1280 x 1024
1024 x768 , 1152 x 864 , 1280 x 1024



Miz said...

Greetings Adan and family,
I stopped by from Skeezix's blog to say hello. I have a beautiful black and white kitty named Panda that looks like Adan except Panda's eyes are not so big and round like Adan's.
Adan looks very cute in his outfit!

andophiroxia said...

I love how Adan looks! Black Tuxi cats have that same monkey look, even though they are different!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look so cute in the bottom one Adan!

Lux said...

Oh Adan, your blog is so beautiful - I don't understand why my mom seems to be ... weeping! She still has to work on mine, I think that's it! :)

Unknown said...

Oh Adan, you look so cute in that pics! I wanna hug you and kiss that little pink nose! :)

Lots of kisses and Purrs! and Happy Weekend!

Daisy said...

I am very happy that, even though you had a rough start, your life now is so good. Your holiday wallpapers are really cute!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Thank you for sharing your wallpapers! They are of course so lovely as you always are.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are very cute wallpapers, Adan. :)

Ramses said...

I'z know just how wonderful it is to have a loving and happy family life after having an unhappy start. That's why I'z love My Mummy so very much! :) I fink you are 3 times as lucky to have Pamilla, Toshie and Michico! :) Have a wonderful December and remember at the end of the month my little 'sis will turn one and be a grown up girlycat at long last! :) I'z just hope that means no more having to be d'baby kitten when she wants to play at being Momma cat! ;)

Chase and Mel said...

Adan. You are so pretty. I love your clothes. I also really enjoy how your blog looks and the pictures and stories you add to it. You are a very creative cat!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Adan, we love you and Michico!
We love the calenders and will print it out so we can count the days of December.
The best part of this year is knowing you and Michico.

Have a very happy Saturday
Love Caesar

Jimmy Joe said...

Hey Adan, buddy, your story is so exciting! It keeps me on the edge of my seat. Momma's eyes got a little leaky when she read about your sister Margaret having to leave. Great wallpaper pictures, too! Sending nose kisses--
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Friends and family love unconditionally. We love yous for sharing and for caring for us all too.

Anita said...

You are more handsome than the real Santa Claus! Muhahahahahahaha!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are lovely wallpapers Adan

Around Your Wrist said...

those are some great wall papers adan! did you actually agree to dress up for them? i'm really impressed!

no one is dressing up here, although lucy has been sleeping in a christmas basket next to the christmas tree. she's kinda cute.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great wallpaper! SS saved one for me. You are so photogenic, Michico should do one for you every month and post it on the blog before the beginning of the month.

Anonymous said...


Sunny's Mommy said...

Those are wonderful holiday wallpapers. Thanks :-)