Tuesday, July 21, 2009

大頭套沒屁用;Big collar not work!

小芥:你們相信嗎?阿丹這樣的頭盔還是舔得到屁股。多麼柔軟啊。看得出來嘛? 我還加長了。結果這個臭小子還是舔得到。
Michico : Can you believe it? Adan still could lick his butt even wearing this collar~ Can you see it? I longer it.
所以,臭阿丹的肛門腺發炎還是腫大。 我也把我的頭套家長了,真是氣屎我,要怎樣阿丹才舔不到?
So, Adan's "anal sac" inflammation still there, that anal sac still big. I really really feel awful and helpless, how big and long collar will let Adan's tongue can't reach his butt?
Adan : Try me! Hee hee~
Adan : Even so, Adan still could jump, he is too good, so I just buy another bigger collar :(
小芥:但是,就在昨天半夜,阿丹的肛門腺還是不敵阿丹這幾天舌頭的摧殘,破拉! Orz 還好醫師是說,這個破掉對貓咪來說,肛門的壓力減輕了,其實對貓咪來說比較舒服,只是說會無敵臭,要清一清。預防感染,要塗優碘消毒。我們幫阿丹稍微沖洗肛門的地方然後淋了一堆優碘消毒;今天早上把最後一包消炎藥吃了,阿丹就很安穩的睡了,晚上帶去給醫師仔細看看,應該很快就康復了。
Michico : But....last night, midnight....Adan's anal sac still broken by his tongue irritate these days. Luckly, the vet says, broken anal sac might be better for the inflammation, it will make cats less pressure. Right now we have to avoid infection, we help Adan take a shower cleaning that broken area and drenched a lot iodine at that part. And this morning gave Adan the reduce inflammation medicine, and he is peacefully sleeping, tonight, we will bring Adan to the vet checking detail, I guess Adan will be ok very very soon!


凱西 said...


andophiroxia said...

Adan looks mad in that collar.

Why am I thinking of eggs?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Adan! I am so sorry you are so uncomfortable! I hope you get better quickly because that collar doesn't nothing for you...

アオソラ said...

撲 一臉固執樣 就知道阿丹你一定還舔的到XD~~

後母 said...


Reese =^..^= said...

That sounds no fun at all. Get well soon.

mimi said...


Sasha said...

I hope you are both well again soon. It was nice to see pictures of you in your new home and you both look very beautiful.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are purring for you to get better quick Adan! That collar does not look fun at all!

Daisy said...

Adan, that sounds very uncomfortable! I sure hope you will get better soon.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh Adan little lovely, that sounds so sore. I hope you wil feel better real soon.

Love GJ xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope you are soon better Adan so you can get rid of that collar.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Poooooor Adan-dan. I am so sorry you have to suffer like this. I feel so bad for you
I am sending you hugs and snuggles
Love and puurrrr Princess

Gattina said...

Poor Adan, it's certainly better that the sac is broken it must itch terribly. With good medicine it will get better you will see. You are a very brave cat ! none of my cats would ever allow to wear such a collar, they all would get crazy !

Anonymous said...
