Tuesday, January 12, 2010

樂高和婆婆;Lego & mother-in-law

小芥:這是我婆婆,非常喜愛樂高。就在上週五我南下高雄去陪小姨姨生產的時候,家裡發生了一件事情,就是,我婆婆星期五上樓畫圖的時候,發現紗窗門打開了,婆婆很心急以為遭小偷,後來跟我公公一起進房,發現房間怎麼只有阿丹一個人,就大喊「Lego-go~!」樂高倏地從門外分竄進來,原來是樂高自己站在沙發的扶手上面用手撥開了紗窗溜出去看小鳥了! 我真的非常非常感激我婆婆,還好我婆婆有上樓來,要不然樂高會跑到哪裡,我還真的不知道,我也嚇死了,昨天晚上和大仔在紗窗外面裝一個鉤子,然後把沙發搬離紗窗的推口遠一點。樂高要是不見了,該是要我怎麼辦...我婆婆還幫樂高求情,說樂高真的很聰明,邊說邊笑,還抱著,真是讓人搖頭的聰明小孩啊....
Lego : This is my mother-in-law, likes Lego very much. Last Friday while I went to the south of Taiwan be with Toshie, there was a news happened here, Last Friday, while my mother-in-law went upstairs, she saw the screen window has been opened, she thought there was a thief inside the house, she didn't have dare to go inside, and asked my father-in-law be with her go inside, and she was shock that there was only Adan in the house, she shout " Lego-g0"! and Lego run into the house quickly like flash from outside through the screen window. So, that we know Lego climb to the sofa's top and pulled the screen window open and went outside to play. I have been told this news later and shocked as well. Me and Arion bought a hook and set outside of screen window, and move the sofa far away from the window as well, let Lego doesn't have short distance to open it. If Lego gone, I can't imagine what I will be, I am so grateful that my mother-in-law came up. She hug Lego and ask me not to angry to him. What a smart and make everyone really headache's kid.
My mother-in-law knows, to Adan, must have great patience, she doesn't try to pet or touch Adan anymore, she only hugs Lego, because Adan really need lots of lots of years to like someone else, Adan only loves 3 sister of us and Arion. I am very grateful for Arion's family memeber's understanding.
樂高,你歐!!!!! 不要再給我找麻煩拉!!!
Lego, You!!!!!!! Don't make any trouble again!


橘子媽媽 said...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Lego I am so glad you were found! What a brave cat you were but still do not go outside!!!

The Creek Cats said...

We love the sweet pictures of Lego and the Mother-in-Law.

andophiroxia said...

Lego, that deserves a spanking. I hope you won't do it again.

tsai said...


慢慢仙 said...

樂小高你......你.... 聰明是醬子用的嗎?


麵包 said...


Raymond and Busby said...

Lego! You must not try to go outside to play! It's dangerous out there. You are lucky your Mother in Law came home in time.

mimi said...




Anonymous said...

Lego, that was very askeery for everybuddy! How wonderful that your grandmother was there to find you!

Mom says my brother Gandalf us always trying to sneak out and it always scares her half to death. She made me promise never to do that.

アオソラ said...

不過外面那一排肥支支的鳥也太吸引了XD 尤其距離又近....

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Lego, that was scary that you escaped. We are very glad Mother in Law found you were out and called you. You were a very good boy to come back when you were called. Please don't try to do it again!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Lego!!! We are so very glad you were found! Please stay inside...we don't want you getting hurt out there in the big world!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh my goodness thank goodness Lego was found when he was. That was so scary.. Lego dont frighten like that again.. Hugs GJ xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Lego, you best behave yourself, you don't want to be lost...way too scary out there!

Anonymous said...

Glad Lego came home quick. Hope he doesn't mess with the screen again!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I just left you an award that you can pick up on my blog. If you have gotten it already, that' okay too!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Becareful Lego! Banshee had pulled a stunt like that before!

You look pretty cute cuddling!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Your mommie in law is very cute with red pants. She looks very lovable and cuddly. I think I would love her too.
Lego you are going to have to be really good every day with all of this attention


Gattina said...

Oh my ! I imagine your shock ! Cute pictures Lego with your MIL !