Thursday, January 6, 2011

嘿嘿;Hee Hee

Adan : So Strange, how come my neck is so itchy~~~
Let me have a very good scratch~~CHICHICHICHICCHI~~~~
樂高:... ...
Lego : ... ...

樂高:我剛剛放了一撮我的毛在葛格背上讓他渾身發癢過敏,這樣我就可以霸佔我的小沙發還有暖氣了,聰明吧?嘿嘿,噓~~ 別跟葛格講噢~~~
Lego : just between you and me, I just put a small group of my fur on Adan's back makes him have a little skin irritation itchy, now I can own the whole sofa and heater now, aim't I smart? SHUUUuuuuu, don't tell Adan~!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha, you are sneaky Lego.

andophiroxia said...

But that would imply there is something wrong with your fur, Lego.

Team Tabby said...

We think Adan is going to figure out what happened!

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

Daisy said...

Lego, that is a funny trick you played on Adan!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You are a sneaky one Lego!