Tuesday, January 17, 2012

大掃除;General Cleaning

Before Chinese New Year, there is a very important tradition that every family must do their general cleaning to their house. For us, that's easy, we groom.
What? Cleaning my pad?
那很乾淨了~ 我沒有亂來~
That's clean enough, I don't do any mess on it~
What, you need us clean the fur on the pad? Ooops, that's hard~


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I shall start cleaning for the New Year now!

andophiroxia said...

Duct tape?

Takie said...

They did a good job. They came out and did it quickly! its really amazing. Happy Holidays!

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Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have done a very good job of cleaning. Our Chinese New Year card has arrived. It is beautiful, thank you.