Wednesday, August 1, 2007

貓才是人類最忠實的朋友~! ,Cats are human's oldest friends

阿丹 : 也許你們已經知道了,不過我早就從我的祖先那邊知道了~!貓是人類最老的朋友,妳們人類終於查詢到這個事實了,是我們~! 而且我現在還繼續當michico的好朋友呢~!
Adan : Some of you may knew, but I have got this message from my ancestor, Cats are human's oldest friends, not doggie~! You human finally found this truth, it's us~!!! And I am being michico's best friend now to continue it~!
以下是新聞擷取 : (原文 : )
至於這五種貓的祖先“ubermoggy”,則是一種今日還住在中東荒蕪沙漠的野貓,牠是F.s. libyca屬。 這項發表在“科學”期刊的研究指出,牛津大學研究團隊分析今日979種家貓與牠們的野生親戚的基因資料後發現,牠們有一種共通的粒線體DNA。研究成員麥當諾教授說,他們發現五種可以追溯到好幾萬年的血緣,而且比現今所發現的考古紀錄都還要早;基因資料顯示,今日的貓都來自近東地區至少五種母貓,而這些貓的後裔則隨著人類散播到全球各地。
There is the news as below : (original article : )
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor Last Updated: 12:01am BST 29/06/2007

The dog is usually thought of as man's best friend.
The endangered Scottish wildcat could be helped by DNA evidence which makes it easier to identify
But a genetic study published today suggests that cats may actually have been a more constant companion of humans over the millennia.
Ancestors of domestic cats are now believed to have started living alongside humans any time from about 10,000 to 130,000 years ago. In the case of dogs, an earlier DNA study showed that they originated from east Asian wolves a mere 15,000 years ago.
The new DNA evidence shows that cats around the world can trace their origins to the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East, which stretches from the eastern Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf, revealing how at least five female ancestors from the region gave rise to all the domestic cats alive today.
The "ubermoggy" - the ancestor of these founding felines - was a wildcat of the species F.s. libyca, which lives on today in the remote deserts of the Middle East.

阿丹 : michico姨姨有拍一些中國的貓咪~!這是她去植物園拍的照片~!

Adan : There is a Botanical Garden here is Taipei, michico took some ancient China cat photo, you may see about that~!
The most famous flower in Taipei Botanical Garden is Lotus, Lotus is very beautiful in summer.

這裡有一隻大貓,看看,我們的祖先多麼神氣啊 ~!
There is a big cat, see, how mighty is it~!


There is another cat, this is ancient Chinese door handle, using cat for sculpture, I think that is a symbolize of guard, very beautiful~!

我們也很早就有跟貓咪為伴了~! 還有一張圖畫在故宮博物院(宋朝)~!

We have cat as our company for many years, too. And there is another one in our national Palace Museum (around 11~12 century):

阿丹 : 這根本就是黑白貓嘛~! 可以看所有的作品在這 :
Adan : It is just Tuxi cat like me~! You may see all the art collections here :

Cats are great~!


Unknown said...

你不說也不知道貓咪和人類的相處已是那麼久遠的事啦 (但印象中喵喵和古埃及人一起的情景也好似偶有看到呢)

阿丹...看到你躺得多舒服呢...香港近來超級熱呀....但又不能天天開冷氣(太貴電費) or 風扇 (太危險)... 你那兒熱嗎~~?

andophiroxia said...

Thank you for the history lesson, Adan!

I still can't get over your ability to make a bun shape. It's like my cat snuggling up against me.

The artwork will come up soon!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. rhea,
台北也是超級熱~! 熱到受不了~! 不過就是努力忍耐~! 要不然冷氣就是開28C恆溫~~~

To. andophiroxia,
I just hide into the sheet, try to cover more layers as I could~! Why did it become a bun shape, actually I really don't Know ~~

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

That was very informative, Adan! Thanks for the wonderful information.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Lux said...

I can well believe that - and dearest friends, too! :) The lotus is indeed a delicate lovely flower.

Tara said...

That is so interesting, but of course, I always knew that "CATS RULE!".

Lovely lotus!

Anonymous said...


Gattina said...

Of course cats are the best friends of humans since EVER, lol ! and you look always so cute on the pictures ! I hope Rosie will become just like you but as a girl of course !

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Thanks for sharing that information, Adan. :) The cat in the painting does look just like you! :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

Is that one of your ancestors in the painting? :D

Anonymous said...


LZ said...

Oh those flowers are beautiful!! I'm sure cats have been better companions- makes perfect sense to me!


Daisy said...

This just proves that cats are much much more important than dogs. Because we have an important place in history.

I never knew lotus flowers were so pretty!

The Cat Realm said...

Wow, that was so interesting! Thank you so much for posting it.
We always suspected it!
And thank you for the nice pictures to go with the story!
Have a beautiful day!

Mosaic Cats said...

We loved the history but we LOVE all the photos of you in your bed and the flowers and ancient cats more! You are so darn cute. And nice. And energetic!
Thanks for being such a good cyber cat friend to us.

Karen Jo said...

The article is very interesting. I enjoyed reading it. The pictures are fantastic. The flowers are so beautiful. The cat in the painting looks very much like Adan.

Christine and FAZ said...

I think Adan always take a good photo and clearly loves posing for the camera. FAZ

caspersmom said...

Adan do you have your own bed?? It's a nice big one. You look so comfortable in it. Your article on this day was very interesting. Mom enjoyed it too. Mom knows that the Eygptians of way back when had kitties for pets. They have them in their hieroglyphics. I think that means pictures on the wall, at least that is what Mom tells me. I have my picture on the wall, but I think that is a photograph. Hmmm, hieroglyphics and photos. Something to ponder.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. Christine and faz
I think you are right, he knows camera very well. Meanwhile, maybe when I be with Adan, there is always a camera in my hand.

*from michico*

I sleep on michico's bed, but it almost my bed now, she sleep 1/2, I sleep 1/2,too. I think that is lovely you have your picture on the wall. I don't have it~!But, I rather let michico only sees me.