Wednesday, September 12, 2007

寄了寄了寄了~!!! Sending, sending, sending~!!!!!!

阿丹 : 各位姨姨,姨丈,還有可愛的貓咪朋友們,今天終於把大家的明信片寄出去了,十分抱歉,原先預定星期一9/10寄出,不過小芥姨姨才發現原來包裝不是那麼輕鬆的事情,而且最近幾天她頭暈得很厲害,怎麼包都包不完,要對照大家的名字還有地址,有時候姨姨說只知道貓咪名字,有時候姨姨只知道人名,總之跑來跑去好不容易包裝完成~! 今天終於寄出了,台灣的朋友這週內應該都可以收到的~!所以請台灣的姨姨們等等,這個禮拜應該就可以看見了~!
Adan : Dearest every Kitties friends, Today michico finally send everyone's postcards. We feel apologetic about that we should send on September 10. But michico realizes that packing so many envelopes is not very easy, and she is keeping dizzy about her little cold.
Sometimes, michico only knows human names, sometimes michico only knows the kitties names, so she is keeping run between bedroom and living room, eventually completely all package. She said actually is lots of fun~! Anyway, My friends, I hope you could recieved soon~!
另外,在這裡特別通知,有幾個人的明信片尚未寄出,國外努力工作的小烏賊Lulu,這個要等我一下喔~! (台灣的都已經寄出了所以就不寫在中文裡)
By the way, I have to notice here, someone's postcards and package haven't sent yet, the reason for not sending are : the meezers - Miles and Sammy, (ok, I recieved the address now, cards will be sent tomorrow). Karl of The cat Realm, I haven't recieved the email of sending address, either; and Chey for their parents still travel so didn't get the address yet. Lovely andophiroxia , you know why~~ We have to wait some days. And last, is my biggest concern - Samantha & Tigger, your pictures book hasn't arrived to me yet~! m(/_\)m Because the shipment of Postcards and Pictures Books's package are seperate, Here I attached the shipment detail especially for you see below document, please click larger to see, I am still waiting your Special award Picture Book coming. Right now it's still on deliver, according the notice from Printing company, it's normal ship in 2~4 weeks, but I think it's taking too long, I will keep asking the post office today~!!! Sorry~!!!! I will continue post the news of Pictures Book on my Blog!!!! Sorry Again~!
All the others are fine, I hope everybody will be happy to recieved the cards~! If your package is a little bit expanding, when you recieved please don't press flat, ok? For some kitties friends always continue everyday visiting me, I prepare some very very tiny gift for you. It's our little regards.

最後一個小說明,在信封左上角有貼我們的住址,署名是michico 小芥,貼紙上面的地址是我們家的地址,這是這幾年姨姨為了寄卡片方便貼寄件地址而印的貼紙,上面雖然沒有我的部落格的名字,不過是從我們家寄的~!
For a little P.S here, at the left top of envelope, there is a color label, the sending name is michico. Although there is no "Adan" printing on it, but It's really from my home, and the address which printed on that Label is really my address!! This label is printed for sending greeting card by michico. Easy for her to mention the sending address. The label doesn't include my URL of my blog. But it's really from me.


Anonymous said...


Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Dear sweet Adan, we are so excited about the package! We are very impressed that you and Michico have taken on such a big undertaking! Please do not apologize for one minute. What you are doing is so sweet and so thoughtful - everykitty realizes that and we so appreciate all the love and care that go into your packages.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
ps. We hope Michico feels better soon!

Tatiana Gamarra said...

you have nice friends
is that some kind of interchange?

Mosaic Cats said...

Oh Adan, it is so EXCITING!
And so much WORK for Auntie Michico when she is not feeling well.
Please force her to rest and relax so that she has full energies to love you and adore you to the full extent of your deservedness.
We can't wait to get your photo. Mosaic Lady has a place for it in her studio, all picked out and ready!

Lux said...

Oh, we can't wait, too! This is so very exciting, but Michico (and you, Adan) have nothing to apologize for ... Michico should just take care of herself and get well!

I love the look on your face in that first picture, Adan!

Around Your Wrist said...

we are very excited! we saw our envelope on top!

please, michico, get some rest so that you feel better! adan will help you, i'm sure!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. Cucarañas

You miss this activity, but I will notice you if we have next time.

Adan & michico

Gretchen said...

Oh, I'm so excited. I'll be watching the post for you little envelope. You're such a sweet friend. And your Michico, too. I'm sorry she has a little cold. Please give her a little nose nuzzle from help her get better soon.


Karen Jo said...

This is very exciting. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my little package. Now, Michico, you get some rest, so you can get over your cold. Adan, lie on Michico so she stays resting.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, addressing all those envelopes must have been a lot of work! I can't wait to receive mine. :) Please don't apologize.

Anonymous said...


Daisy said...

I am sooooo excited to get my postcard, I can hardly wait. Thanks so much for doing this wonderful project. I hope Michico feels better soon, she should not be working so hard when she is sick!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Michico, that looks like so much hard werk!! we is sorry we was late sending our address. we hollered at mommy for it.

Hot(M)BC said...

Woo hoo! We can't wait! Sorry Michico is feeling sicky. We'll send purrs for her.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

Anonymous said...

Hi Adan! We are all very excited about receiving our postcard. Be sure to give Michico extra purrs and snuggles for all her hard work on this.

LZ said...

We're SO excited about our card! Oh, and if you need Chey's address, you can e-mail me, since she's my wife I have it :).


Unknown said...

Is that some kind of interchange? I love the interchange ^^
Luna Spain

Ari said...

And mine? :(

Adan I love u... u're my wallpaper!!!

The Cat Realm said...

Adan, you are just awesome! To train your human so well to do such an enormous project! Very impressive. But you should give her some rest so she can get better!
Me and the staff are VERY excited to get mail from sooooooo far away!
What a great cat you are!
Your friend Karl

Anonymous said...

I am very happy that all your work is done now and you were able to send all the envelopes. I am looking forward to see my painting!!!! It is pretty amazing! I told my female human to put it in a frame and hang it in the studie.

The Crew said...

Hello Adan. We've seen your comments everywhere on other blogs and are happy to meet you. What a handsome tuxie guy you are.

Sorry it took us so long to visit, but we couldn't open your page until Mom got high speed internet service. Now we can see you just fine and will visit more often.

George, Tipper, Max & Misty

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Adan it is so kind of you to post a lovely picture to me, I can't wait to receive it!!


Anonymous said...

O-Hayo Adan-san! I’ve tagged you for a fun facts meme. For the guidelines of what to do next, please visit my latest blog entry. Have fun!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

thank you for letting us know you sent the cards. It looks like a lot of work for you and michico signing and packing up all those envelopes!!
we really love to visit your blog and read your stories. Momma sys you are such a handsome guy!!
purrrrs, Kashim & Othello

The Furry Kids said...

Adan, you and Michico have worked so hard on this project. I can't wait to see it.


The Furry Fighter said...

wow Adan - this is such a wonderful thing you have done for us all! my meowmie cn;t wait to see me open my card up! thank you thank you thank you! xxxx

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Wows you two are very busy with all those postal gifts!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Adan your face is so expressive. Your eyes and face tell all. That's a wonderful picture of you.
You have a very nice Michico to do all that work for you. She is a lovely lady. You did a lot of work too signing all them post cards. Tell Michico to rest and get better. Everyone is waiting for beautiful post cards but they will wait in peaceful anticipation. We are sorry we didn't post enough in time but we miss a lot of things. It's just our nature.

MaoMao said...

Wowie, we're lookin' forward to receivin' our postcard, and Adan, take good care of Michico. I hope she gets lotsa rest and feels bettur furry soon!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

oh my....好多唷...真是辛苦你了也辛苦阿丹了...我的部分妳不用急啦 ^^ 感謝感謝!


Ari said...

Oh, thank u Michico & Adan,

I don't known which it was an old activity.

Next time ;)
