Monday, October 29, 2007

生氣,Mad Monday

Last night, I got 2 mad things.
1. 昨天晚上大仔來,拿東西給姨姨。結果,沒跟我好好玩幾秒鐘,就跑去抱我的大姨姨還跟她親親,氣死我了。
1. Last night, Arion came to my house bring something to Michico. And, he didn’t play with me over few seconds, then went to michico, and kissed her!!! Made me so mad!!

And, because I was too mad, I walked though the space at middle of them, and made a sound straight from the lower part of my abdomen, it howl sounds : "Guuuuuuuu…….Guuuuuuuuuuu…..Gggguuuuuuuu……." without mouth open, it is directly from my abdomen, that is very very angry sound. And it’s really scared Arion. Because he has never heard this sounds before, michico has heard it but it was a long long time ago. Arion thinks this condition is not right, he thinks I am angry.

Hmmm! Of course I am angry, michico tried to hold me but I say no. But when she touched me I still purrr, BUT, as long as Arion try to touch me, I continued making that “Guuuuuu……Guuuuuu…..”lower howl sounds to him!!! It scares Arion going away. If He finds michico first without playing with me enough time, give it a try, I will make him scared again! Michico is mine, I am her core!!!


And after Arion leaved the room and waited for michico to change clothes to get dinner, I let michico hold me. And I purrr and purrr loudly. Michico said I am so cute, I am jealous~! Actually my competition with Arion is starting for a long time. We have men-friendship, also have men-competition.
2. 第二件事情,昨天不知道是哪位神明生日。結果樓下附近的廟敲鑼打鼓還放煙火。害我一直躲在椅子底下,因為放煙火還有敲鑼打鼓的地方就在我們這棟樓樓下,晚上整個窗戶都在動動動大響、窗戶也一直亮閃亮閃,嚇死我了。而且竟然持續了兩個半小時,害我真的一直很生氣。

2. The second thing is, last night I don’t know it was which gods’s birthday. In Taiwan, when gods birthday, it will have lots of activity and making very loud music noisy gong and drum music and lots of fireworks, I was hiding under the chair for 2 hours and my window is keep flashing and flashing, lot of noisy discord, makes me really mad.

Michico tried comfort me all these hours, but the fireworks seems never ends, it’s just too scarey.


Today the weather is better, I hope I could happier today.
Continue praying for Miss Peach, she is a little bit better, but still need more improvement.


Ivan from WMD said...

Adan, I don't blame you. I don't like to share my mom either. And, I don't like fireworks either! What do people see in them??

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Wow Adan - you had it rough yesterday! You should be mad at Arion for not spending time with you - hrmph! And, oh no - fireworks, too??? You look very angry in the first photo but you are still so cute even when you are angry! We hope you have a better day today!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Anonymous said...



andophiroxia said...

Adan why are you so mad? I am sure you have seen Arion kiss Michico before! You are being silly.

Maybe Auntie Michico and Arion want to make something that includes you! I know it will include you!

Emy likes people coming by. She is happy, but then I guess she is not jealous since we are both girls.

Perhaps that is the case.

Anonymous said...



michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...


Well, we don't kiss much in front of Adan, hehehe~! I think that is why he goes that, hahahaha~


To. Mr. Chen & Ollie
I think it's much better today, thanks guys, you both are so great~!

To. William,
yes, I don't wanna share, either, I am so happy that you understand me~!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

We hate fireworks. Too much noise!

Our mom thanks you for your kind words of comfort last week.


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Adan! Arion had better learn that you are important and you deserve attention. But do noy worry about Michico.She has lots of room in her heart for you and Arion.She will alwats love you!!
I don't like fireworks either .They are loud!
Thank you for caring about Miss Peach.She is so lovely :)

Anonymous said...

(糖糖~ 我沒有說你哦!)


Unknown said...


Daisy said...

Adan, I do not blame you for growling a little bit at Arion. You were just trying to protect Michico. That is what a Mancat does! But that kissing stuff, it does not really hurt her. So you do not need to growl, OK?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Adan, you made an angry noise! Fireworks are very noisy and always hurt my ears, so I don't blame you for being upset at them. I hope you have a good day today.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

That's funny Adan. You mad makes us laugh. You are funny when you are mad. Guuuuuuuuuuur. Hee hee. Don't worry, you will get used to Arion and the jealousy will go away. He makes your Michico happy so that will make you happy.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Michico, Owr Mom got her new flashy thing. It's a Canon 400D. Maybe she can take some nice pictures of us that are as good as Adan's pictures. Adan's pictures are always so nice.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dear Adan, we are very very sorry that your mommie has a boyfriend. This is a very tricky situation. You mUST continue to remind Arion that YOU are in charge... and maybe only three kisses a day, no more than that!

We love you very much. This first picture, mommie is going to save that one and send to to Blizzie at college.

purrrrs, Princess

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Oh Adan, it's ok if Michico and Arion kiss - as long as you get lots of attention too!!
I love the photo of you through the lens (is it a UV lens?). it is very nice!

I am scaired of fireworks, too.

Sunny's Mommy said...

It's understandable you might be jealous of Arion. And then all those fireworks for so long. I'm sorry your Sunday evening was bad.

I hope today is better for you :-)

None said...

You did good growling at Arion, he'll know better next time. I think the fireworks are loud too, worse than lightning!

Purrrs to a better day,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dear Beau Beau & Angie,

Now you make michico Guuuuuuu now~!! So admiring your mommy have new camera~!!!

Go go go~!!!
Can't wait to see your beautiful photos~!!!

Ramses said...

I certainly understand the getting cross at any man who'd kiss your Mommy without first fussing you! Even though Dad lives here I still expect him to fuss me first before kissing *My Mummy*, it seems Isis and Tigmut'hep feel a little like this too, so Dad has a lot of kitty fussing to hand out when he comes home from work before being allowed to kiss *My Mummy* ;)

As for fireworks, I used to be very scared of them too, though since Tigs loves watching them I've learnt they are safe to watch from inside and we now both sit in the window and watch fireworks for hours when they're let off locally! :) I hope we can teach 'sis they're ok if watched from inside too...

LZ said...

Oh Adan, you were really mad!!! I huff when I get frustrated so I know how you felt. You love her and she is YOURS. Sorry about the fireworks, those things are terrifying even to a man cat.


Tybalt said...

Adan you had every right to be mad! Michico is YOURS! You have to watch out for other men. Sometimes they think they can be first on your mommy's snuggle list, but we both know that is wrong!

Fireworks are very scary, even for handsome mancats like us. We have a lot of fireworks outside during the fourth of July and New Year's Eve, and I make sure to stay close to mommy so that neither of us gets too scared from all of that loud noise.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Aww, we hope you have a better day today Adan. You did look really mad! Do not feel bad, we do not like fireworks either - they are way too noisy!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh goodness! No wonder you were upset. First Arion didn't play with you lots, then you had to share your mommy and then you had to listen to fireworks! Poor Adan. Purrrss. I hope today is lots better.

I dont like to share my mommy either.

Parker said...

Arion needs to give you time before anyone else! I know it must be hard to share Michico!

Black Cat said...

That was really fearsome growling, poor Arion, he must have been very frightened! I hope he will have learned that he must play with you lots before he kisses Michico, but I hope you will become friends:)

Fireworks are awful. I'm a bean but I hate them because they frighten animals and cause lots of injuries to animals and beans. October and November are very bad months for fireworks here - then they start again for Christmas and New Year:-( xxx

Anonymous said...

I hate sharing my mom with her friend Chet.Mom's mine all mine :)

ASTOR CATS said...

We don't like fireworks either - they make way too much noise. Someone here sets them off all the time and we hide just like you.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Anonymous said...

We hate the noisy flashy explosions too. At least we only get them once a year!

Skeeter and LC

Unknown said...

Adan, I don't blame you for being mad. I don't like to share my Mum either! AND I don't like to hear loud firework noises. I hope you have a better day today.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahah oh Adan that is wonderful! YOu are jealous and your growling is just showing that! I say good for you - she is YOUR human and YOU need all the attention. What was she thinking of, giving attention to another? How very dare she!

I don't like fireworks either, we have bonfire night on November 5th and I am dreading it! x

Team Tabby said...

Michico loves you so much so don't worry and growl. However,Arion will have to learn to give you attention first and not cut this too short. Now if I was you, I would take advantage of this situation and get Arion to give me lots of treats!...... But then, I am a cat that is always thinking of his stomach, heh, heh.


PS I just hate fireworks.

Patty Nason said...

Meow - Your photos of Adan are gorgeous! Would you like to enter them into Catster's World's Coolest Dog and Cat Show? We would love to have you enter! It's free, there's some awesome prizes, and you can vote on your favorite photos. Meow!

The Furry Kids said...

It's bad enough that you have to share Michico, but Arion needs to learn that he needs to give you lots and lots of attention first. No wonder you were growling.
Fireworks make me hide under the bed. You had a really rough day, dude.

Earl Grey

The Furry Fighter said...

oh you have had a tough day my friend! i think it good to let Arion know who the boss is! and to let him know who Michico loves the most! i don;t blame you for this reaction at all.

there are fireworks in London at the moment - we have Guy Fawkes night on November 5th - a tradition to comemorate an attempt to blow up Parliament hundreds of years ago. but of course there are many Firework parties between now and mid-November as people take advantage of the right to let off the fireworks :)

i hope you day was better Adan! xx

Anonymous said...


MaoMao said...

hehehe, Adan, yur a furry protecktive mancat, and I can tell you love Michico furry much!

Brainball is the same way about our Momma. Whenefur Brainball has met a new male furriend of Momma's and Daddy's or the first time he saw male fambly memburs years ago, he'd get 'em in a STARE CONTEST. When they got near Momma, Brainball would try to stare 'em down! But when he decided they was okeydokeys, he stopped the stare kontest.

Those fireworks are furry beeyootiful to look at, but I know they've gotta be furry LOUD to hear 'em!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Lux said...

Those are both terrible things, Adan! No wonder you were upset!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Chuky hates the fireworks too... he always hides under the bed, poor little baby :(
The little ones, Abril and Morocho, never pass trough that yet, but i'm afraid this Christmas and New Year they will have to hear that terrible sounds for the first time... :( I hope that not scare them too much...

Kisses for you Adan and Michico too :)

Forty Paws said...

Poor Adan! What a horrible Sunday! We hope you have a better week.

Luf, Us

Anita said...

Muhahahahahaha! Smile, my dear Adam. You´re better and more handsome than any human...


Anonymous said...
