Tuesday, February 26, 2008

讓人犯罪的肚肚;Tummy Tuesday & Awards

阿丹:姨姨~~ 暖氣好舒服喔~~
Adan : Michico, the heater is so great~~
Michico : Adan, I can see you love the heater very much, but....I can't help myself to rub your tummy if you keep doing like this.


Adan : Really?
Michico : Don't tempt me to assault your lovely tummy.


Adan : Come on~~ My claws are all prepared!
Michico : Hmmm! I will do I have to do~~~ For your tummy, I won't afraid of your claws!
Michico : It's always worth if we kiss belly successful no matter how many claws or bites we gonna take! Hehehehe~~~
Thanks for Skeezix gives me aCATemy Award for that I performed CCSI on of the character, I would love to thanks Sassy and Momo, Karl & Ruis, without you, I won't able to join CCSI #2! Certainly thanks for many great friends that support me, this is my greatest honored!!
And thanks for Deana, Angus , Eric & Flynn give this award to me!! Thank you for thinking me is excellent~! I am so so happy and flattered~!

I would love to pass this award to Anita and Icon~!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adan, your tummy looks a LOT like our Bubbles's tummy. He is also rolling on the couch all the time.

Congratulations with the Awards!! And you are really quick with the "thank you" speech, hahaha. It was a pleasure to work with you, Adan!!


andophiroxia said...

Emy does the deadly release hair trick. It really sucks.

Lux said...

You have such a lovely tummy, Adan! No wonder Michico can't resist ...

Congratulations on your award!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The Big Thing knows that if he rubs tummies, he got to be ready fer claw action in games. He uses hand, we uses paws! MOL!

A's Journey said...

What a temptation huh? hehehhe
Congratulations Adan! you made Michico very happy.

Take care!

Anonymous said...



meemsnyc said...

What a cute kitty!

CRIZ LAI said...

I always get tempted to rub the tummy of any cats having that pose... haha. Adan looks as cute as ever in that tuxedo suit :)

Come in and have a look at my new Garfield..http://crizcats.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

You haz a beeyoutyfull tum tum. Also, pleaze, tank you fur your kind wordz to da momee here. She iz soo sad to lose her bestee girl frend.

Dr Tweety

Ellen Whyte said...

Such a furry tummy is an irresistible invitation. Adan is looking very prosperous!

EJ. said...

Congrats Adan for aCATemy Award !
No one can resist to tummy rubs Adan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Boots loves her tummy being rubbed, but she hates her feet being touched, I have to be careful not to touch her feet or legs or else she attacks! Lol

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Adan, you have a very cute tummy! Congratulations on your awards! They are well deserved. :)

Anonymous said...

I love heaters, too! I use to sit on a the one in the living room and watch the birdies outside in the garden.

Isis said...

Congrats on your awards Adan! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi from Japan!
i just want to say how cute Adan is!!!
My god, Adan really looks like my black and white cat named "Chibi".
He's born in Thailand where we used to live and we've moved back in Japan together:)

Daisy said...

That is the classic tummy-rub position. My Mommie will also brave my strong teeth and clawrs to rub or kiss my tummy.

Irishcoda said...

Such a lovely tummy, must be rubbed! :)

Anita said...

Ohhhh!!! Thanks, thanks, thanksss!!! Is a honor for me!



Kaz's Cats said...


It's not easy being as handsome are you are - our Mum even wanted to snuggle your tummy through the computer. You'll just have keep trying to train Michico to be respectful.


Gypsy & Tasha

Unknown said...

My friend is loss!
I´m very sad.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh look at those tummy shots! Congrats on your aCATemy Awardie and your Excellent blog awardie, Adan! You deserve them!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have a lovely tummy for rubbing Adan. Congratulations on your Acatamy award.

Deana said...

Hard to resist those tummies just exposed and begging to be tickled but I've learned the hard way you have to be careful. It can be a trick and the claws are waiting! You deserve all the awards!

Team Tabby said...

Adan those are lovely tummy shots. Michico would love to rub your tummy if you let her. I am a girl cat that absolutely adores tummy rubs.....Mindy.

We are glad to be able to visit again. Congratulations on your awards, Adan.

Mindy & Moe

Anonymous said...

Your tummy does look quite irresistable Adan!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Congratulations on those wonderful awards!

Monty Q. Kat said...

MomBean wants to rub your belly too!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You show that tummy in my house and you'd get rubs on it for sure!



What a snorkolicous tummy you have. Momma sat and rubbed Boo tummy all night last night. She was surprised that Boo let her and that she didn't get the dreaded paw of death.Concats on your award what a great picture (well all of your pictures are great) of you in your red bow tie...


Mother of Invention said...

Too cute! They are so trusting exposing their tummies!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

I would love to lay in front of the heater like you! It looks very cozy.

Thank you so much for the award - I will post it tomorrow! You are a great friend, Adan.


Forty Paws said...

Awww yes. It's so good to kiss a kitty tummy. Especially a cute one like yours!

Luf, Us

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Great tummy shots and congrats on the awards!

Anonymous said...




Parker said...

That's a belly that's begging for a rubbing!
Very, very adorable Adan!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Adan you tummy is very nice and fluffy.

You would not scratch your mommie, would you?
You look very happy today.
Love and purrs

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I put the bitey on mommy and sometimes I do bunny kicks when she touches my belly.

Adan you look very happy and warm by your heater.

Concatulations on your awards!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We got an aCATemy Award too! Momma forgot to post it. She is BAD.

I love your tummy Adan!


Anonymous said...




Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Congratulations on your awards Adan! How wonderful!

Tybalt said...

My mommy wants to give your tummy a kiss, too, Adan!

Congratulations on your awards! You are very handsome in your bowtie.

Luna und Luzie said...

Adan, your tummy is wonderful ! Great pose.You looks good there !
But if my mommy rub my tummy I bite a little bit too ;-)
Congratulations to your awards !!!
purrs from Luna

Jimmy Joe said...

Yeah, fluffy white tummies are irresistible for humans. Congratulations on your awards, too, Adan--you are super excellent, indeed! And we loved the photo-story of you and Arion yesterday!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Boy said...

Yay for all the awards! You deserve them!

Anonymous said...

Adan you have a lovely white tummy. I cannot blame Michico for wanting to pet and kiss that tummy. Mom likes to pet and kiss our tummies too. Sometimes it is okay and sometimes she gets claws and teeth!

L. Alida said...

Oh Adan I love to look at all of your pictures! Your tummy is very cute. :) Congratulations on your award!
Hugs and Purrs,

Andree said...

Congratulations on all the awards! You certainly do deserve them, and you dressed up so cute in your red tie! Can I scratch that tummy?? My CoT is here. Thank you.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Congrats on your award!!

kuanyin333 said...

Congrats on your lovely awards! Your cat-ommentary is funny!

PB 'n J said...

Congratulations on you award Adan!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Congradulations on your aCATemy Award Adan. It was well deserved!

Scout said...

With a tummy like that, Mommy said she would risk the claws of doom to rub it!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Adan you are so beautiful and handsome! Truly, that tummy is for cuddling! Now put the bitey on your human, it'll be funny! Honest! Or is it just me that does that? hehe xx

Java's Coffee House said...

Thats a nice looking bow tie!

Tesla and Hansel said...

What a lovely award!

and thats quite the pose yoo have there!

Anonymous said...



Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Congratulations on the well deserved awards. It has been my pleasure and honour to work with you in CCSI.

You have such cute and fluffy tummy!

The Cat Realm said...

Congratulations on your awards Adan!!! You so deserve them and it was such a pleasure to work with you on CCSI!!!!

The Cat Realm said...

I went over to Silvi's blog and tole their beans we will all purr for them!!!!!! It helped with Mao and Annie....
Thank you for telling us!