Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Lego : Recently, Michico mommy is really busy, no matter day or night, she says it's good that now is close to winter, so we don't like moving around, too. She recently has a small exhibition about her cat watercolor painting at a small town, she is crazy preparing that, so very hard to visiting friends for us, please forgive us.
Lego : Now, daddy hugs us everyday like Mommy as well, whispering to us.

Michico : Adan is not a hugging cat, he like snuggling with human, using his own way, but he is not like to be hugged, maybe he doesn't like to be controled, hahaha~~ But everytime he snuggles with me, I feel so heartwarming. The next 2 photos is the meaning of " heartwarming ".
Can you feel been in loved ? Hee hee~ This is what we call cold weather is great!


アオソラ said...

阿咧? 那張是小林嘛??
二姊!你不是說要買畫架? 這樣做太低腰也會酸唷ˊˋ"~~
阿丹~~ 你姨都咪了 你在偷看啥XD^^?

アオソラ said...

補: .. 肥高晚上還會不會玩耍不睡覺啊??

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. 樓上小姨姨,


Mickey's Musings said...

Adan, soon you will get hugged for 4 seconds! heehee
I am having my bachelor party Friday!
I hope you & Lego can come and have lots of fun!!
Purrs Mickey

PeeEss: We wish Michico Good Luck with her exhibition !!!!
We hope she will have pictures of her artwork!! We would love to see all the pictures!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Adan and Lego! I love snuggling like that! You are so lucky to be so snuggled!!!

慢慢仙 said...



andophiroxia said...

Emy does that too!

後母 said...


Sasha said...

Good luck with your paintings Michico. I hope you sell lots of them. Winter is a good time for hugging.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh MY!!!! the painting is beautiful!
I would love to go to the art exhibition too!
Adan-dan and Lego, you two are very good to help Michico have peace and to hug with dad.
Love and purrs

Cats in trees said...

Adan stop fussing. You need your hugs, like every other cat.
And Lego: your feet warming is indeed heart warming.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Adan-I don't like to be huggedmuch either. But I let Meowm get away with it for a bit.~~Junior

Lego-I love to be hugged! The more hugging the better!~~Orion

We both curl up with Meowm in the big bed. Most times, when she wakes up in the morning we have her "pinned"-one of us on each side of her so she has a hard time moving!

Daisy said...

Congratulations to Michico on the exhibition. That's awesome!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Beautiful pictures.. I love the snuggly one's.. Dont worry about visiting.. We will be here. I hope the exhibit goes well for your mum.. Hugs GJ and Carol. x