Adan : Winter, I like staying this way next to the window, have some sun on my tummy.

Adan : Let each one of my tummy fur having sunshine.

Adan : There are so many fur I have, must could collect more warm of sunshine.

Adan : And bring lots of warming tummy fur, into the blankie, and my blankie will very warm.

Adan : I think I can maintain this way until night, my blankie will keep this heat.
唉唷 我好懷念那個剛曬完太陽的味道~~
Cats are awesome snuggle buddies.
Oh I love sun on my tummy!
I think you have a very good plan, Adan.
Laying in the sun is wonderful. It is raining here and we hope the sun comes back soon!
Sunshine feels so good on the tummy!
Nothing like a warm tummie and blankie!!!
It has been cold here brrrr and a lot of rain!
I am snuggling in my blankets all day.
Adan-dan, you have a very good idea to keep warm all day. I am sure Michico is very thankful for your consideration!
purrr and love always
In winter it is important to make use of every bit of sunshine that you can.
I'll bet your black furs store the heat from the sun!
Adan I like your style.. Keep warm... HUgs GJ xx
Sunshine and blankies!!! Nothing is better,except sleeping with your Mom too :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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