Michico : Nearly Night, Michico and Arion are almost home.

Adan : But, this huge tummy block the window space, so annoying...

Lego : Why are you touching me?

Adan : Why should I touch you? why should I touch you? My Tail is long, so what? Do you have such long tail?

Lego : Huh....Show off...
Adan : Longer tail is nothing indeed, but it's greater than you!

Adan : Michico, hurry come back, I miss you so much!!

Adan : While you and Arion back, I won't have to be with this kid alone anymore~
唉呀~~ 樂肥高仔別這小氣咩 你丹哥就是尾巴長啊XD~~
I thought you two liked each other... :(
Here at home is the same thing, there are days of love and days of hate but all ends well .
Adan, Having Lego is better than no-Lego. At the least he warms up your tail in winter ;)
I hope they get back soon too. I hate it when my human is gone.
You two are so funny! Tails touching is nice!
We hope they come back soon. Waiting stinks...
Oh sweet one's they will be back soon... Hugs GJ xx
Adan-dan, I agree. They are such babies AND they are a pest. Lego really should move over for you... no, he should just get up and go.
You look great and comfortable!
purr and love
Adan, I think Lego is a lot for you to handle by yourself!
Since I am an only I don't have to worry about the rivalry. Hope you two have a better day tomorrow. Try to get alone.
At least when Michico and Arion aren't there, you have each other for company. Maybe you snuggle up together when no-one can see you.
Now, now boys, no fighting, play nice.
Lego, don't be jealous of his long tail. Shorter tails don't get caught in as many doors.
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