Saturday, November 5, 2011

今天我要洗牙;Today I have to go my teeth cleaned

今天我要去洗牙,姨姨考慮了很久很久,終於還是下定決心帶我去洗牙,免得以後我的牙齒有疾病可是我已經老得不能再動手術了~ 所以,請大家祝福14歲的我,有個成功的麻醉還有成功的洗牙吧~
Today I am going to have my teeth cleaned, Michico considered for a long long time, finally decided to bring me to, just in case when I have teeth problem and My age is not good for surgery... So, please pray for me, I have a great operation. 


慢 said...


TabbyNormal said...

Oh Adan, that doesn't sound like fun, but think how fresh you will feel afterwards!

Sasha said...

Adan, how can you be old? You look so young. I will be purrring for you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Purrs to you Adan to be healthy and happy and have clean teeth. Don't let them steal them all!