Tuesday, December 13, 2011


小芥:上週五,發生了很驚人的事情,上班前,阿丹照常尿尿、大便,結果看,喂!! 怎麼地板有好幾滴鮮血!!!!!
 Michico : Actually Last Friday, there was a very shocking thing, before I went to work, Adan as usual pee and poo, but, when I woke up and watched him, WHAT THE....There are few drops of blood on the floor!!!
Certainly I was crazily nervous, I was thinking what if he was pooping and bleeding at his butt....
但是結果竟然是小雞雞流血!!! 在阿丹重複舔的時候,我當機立斷拿頭套給阿丹戴起來,避免因為舌頭的細菌會讓他的傷口感染發炎。(抱歉讓大家看這麼血淋淋的真實畫面)
But turned out, it was Adan's penis bleeding!!! I saw the bleeding image when he was licking, I immediately put the collar on Adan avoid him lick again, and so I am so sorry to let everyone saw these photos.
And Immediately checking if there is any blood inside his pee, if it was, it will be very very bad!!!
When the vet opened, I brought Adan to the vet to give him few antiphlogistic   , and asked me collecting his pee to check.
隔天,很成功蒐集到尿液,阿丹尿液的六項指數都良好,尿液裡面沒有任何的血液反應。所以是他的小雞雞外頭破皮。可是到底是怎樣破掉的,還是一樁懸案,我們又讓阿丹打了一針消炎針,已經第四天了到今天,阿丹恢復情況良好,也沒有流血了。不過,就是製造了一樁讓人嚇屎的事情,怎麼會流血呢?我還是想不通,阿丹,告訴我吧~ 總之,目前阿丹還滿好的。謝謝大家了~
And next day - Last Saturday, I collected Adan's pee successfully, and brought to the vet to check, there were 6 items about checking the pee and all degrees were great, and there is nothing blood in Adan's pee at all. So, there is nothing wrong inside of him, it's outside has a little big hurt about his penis skin~ But How Come? I still don't understand until now, We asked the vet gave him an antiphlogistic again and brought him back, and he is good now and no more bleeding anymore, but the whole thing is still a mistery ..... Adan-dan, please told me..... Anyway, he is doing great now....


Anonymous said...

That would have scared me too. I think you handled it exceptionally well. Adan is lucky you were on top of the problem right away. I hope you are all feeling better now.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh noes!!!! We are sorry Adan was bleeding , but very glad you were there to look after him and get him to the Vet! He probably did not like having to wear the collar ;)
We are sending purrs it does not happen again and tht he likes that canned food :) Looks yummy! heehee

Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

andophiroxia said...

OW. That is very odd. Poor Adan!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh poor Adan. That sounds like he was likely very uncomfortable. Poor guy.

小狗兒 said...


Luna und Luzie said...

Oh, poor Adan!!! We hope that everything is ok now and happens no more again!!!

hugs and purrs

Anonymous said...

hope Adan is ok, am very sad when my pet sick too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Adan, that must have been painful. We are glad he is better now.