Doors 台北市遼寧街45巷15號。電話: (02) 2777-5760
Last Friday, I ask few cat lovers to a restaurant, which carries on business nearly 20 years, and this restaurant named Doors, has cats in there. I guess I want to make a subject names " stores with cats" haha, recently I collect many places with cats.
The Doors's door has lots of plants, and makes me smile.
20 years old restaurant walk inside, you can very easily see the color of age. The wall re-paint before but the color still old again, And I can see many little stuffs has dust on it, you can feel the atmosphere calling: 20 years old. Few flowers are young as many kitties always born on warm season.
我們把包包堆好,點好菜,等著老闆娘的好菜,就先去左看看、右拍拍~ 其實很簡單我原本一開始約的目的是,可以以我們這些半調子拍貓人來拍個食記,來幫老闆娘寫寫這家店放在網路上,讓大家看到了也可以去光顧一下。因為明明是二十年的老店了,寫這家餐廳心得文的部落格卻是少得可憐。讓我覺得很奇怪。
We places our bags and make the order, while we are waiting for the dinner, we are checking the area and photo the cats. My original attention is, me ask few cat friends could take few photos blog the article of this restaurant, to let more people know. Because this restaurant even open for 20 years, but very few blog written about it, and that is very strange in Taiwan. We always blog very old or popular stores on our blog and make more people wanna to visit there.
Soon we can see there are few kitties don't have good health. And the restaurant owner doesn't really care about this condition.
And the photo as below should be the most romantic table of the restaurant.
And....cute kitties...
This is the kid.
And this is the mommy.
We played with them for a long time, she is a very funny cat as well.
And we know, the restaurant owner didn't let her cats makes the ligations, the way to avoid they have more babies, is putting them inside the restaurant, don't let them go out, but while we play with this cat mommy, we did play outside, and that is not a good way to avoid the cat has more babies.
The restaurant owner somehow makes us very worry, her cats almost doesn't have good health, I really do think she needs to make her restaurant cat maintain good health and make the ligation. And we also heard that their neighbor doesn't like the restaurant owner feed the street cats, also makes us very sad.
But, the Door's dishes are ok, we ten cat lovers DID have a great Friday night.
Maybe this store need so renew, if the owner still have some money saved, if not, at least need to remove the dust, and we also saw a guest goes inside, one of the cat jump on the table and started to drink the water of that guest's glass, and that guest left the restaurant, actually if you don't want cat drink your glass, that is very easy to let them know, you just need gently move your hand very tender push them or stop them, cats are really smart, they will know~ Some nice polite stop between cats and beans could let the Doors has more business. People need to "learn" how to love cat as well.
If Doors want have better business, the atmosphere needs to be change, with few crazy cat lovers won't be change very much.
很基本的,貓咪結紮、健康,還有貓與人之間的倫理該怎麼平衡,該怎麼讓這附近的人們知道貓咪的可愛,這也許是老闆娘目前很急迫得要做的事情。我們真的很希望有貓的店可以很棒的生存下去,因為這麼可愛的寵物已經漸漸成為現代人生活的伴侶主軸(請看新聞:貓狗大戰 家貓成為新寵兒) 。只要有一點點的努力以及改變,其實很多人都會來捧場的,也不至於希望自己店內的貓咪被領養走。老闆娘加油!!!
Very basic way, ligation and good health, and doing th eir neighborhood street cats TNR, and teach their neighbor knowing the beauty of cats, might be the most important job of Doors's owner, we certainly really hope the store with cats more and more, because we love cats, I think it's only need a few changes, more clients will come!
It seems that if she wants to appeal to cat lovers, she should take good care of her cats (and spay and neuter them). It is too bad.
That makes me mad when people don't fix their cats and let them run around and do that. Either fix your cat and/or keep them indoors.
How sad for the kitties, I hope she starts to take better care of them!
I am sad that the owner does not take better care of the cats. I would not mind a little dust if the cats were well cared for!
That was very interesting. We agree with the others, the owner needs to take better care of her cats.
Yep, what others have said. Take better care of the cats.
Maybe she could put a donation jar out to help her with the costs of caring for the cats=^Y^=
Doors looks like a nice place and the kitties are very cute! We wish,however, that the owner took better care of the kitties.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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