阿丹:話說星期日的時候,我並不是很高興小姨姨好久沒有回來看我,所以我一開始不是很開心。Adan : I am very upset that Toshie(Michico's younger sister) auntie hasn't seen me for a while, so I wasn't happy at the first time.
小姨姨跟我解釋,其實她也很想念我。雖然我假裝不搭理,但是我內心也很思念小姨姨啊~Toshie auntie explain to me, although I wasn't watching at her, but I was moving in my heart, I really miss Toshie auntie very much as well.
所以我軟化了,小姨姨,你要多回來看我喔。So, my heart was melted by Toshie auntie, please come back seeing me often, okay?
I miss you.
於是我們合好了~!We are good together again.

最後,我一直蹭小姨姨女兒的推車。Finally, I keep rubbing at Toshie's daughter's stroller.
小姨姨說,有「嚕」有保佑,沒錯~With my rub, the baby will be safe more and happy more.
下次再見了,小珮華~See you next time, Baby girl.
And Toshie auntie, see you next time!
I Bet Aunt Toshie's baby girl feels very honored to have you rub against that stroller.
You looked MAD!
I think you have the right idea and stroller inspecting is a very important job!
It was very thoughtful of you to send your safe and happy rubs on baby girl's stroller, Adan!
We think you love your Auntie and your new baby cousin!
Glad you finally had a change of heart. Your Auntie Toeshee loves you furry much!
We are glad you and Toshie Auntie have made friends again. It was good of you to rub good luck onto her baby's stroller.
Adan, sometimes it takes a while to remember people you did not see for a ;long time ;) But we bet you remembered her voice and her touch :)
Good of you to put your scent on the stroller too!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
PeeEss: Toshie & Daney must be very proud of their lovely baby :) They must be proud of you too to protect the stroller,heehee
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