Adan : Early this morning, as usual, I wanna Michico next to me watching me eating breakfast, but she is still sleep, I called her, whisper to her, yell to her, ran on her, she didn't wake up...

So, I next to the floor, I was doing the vomit sound, GAWUGAWUGUGU~~~~

She heard my vomit sound immediately jump out of the bed and I am so happy, it works!!!!!! I walked to her and purr, I just fake vomit, and it work, and she with me next to me watching me eating breakfast.

I am so smart, ain't I?
(給沒有養貓經驗的人:也許這篇您會看不太懂,不過貓咪嘔吐前會有一種反芻的聲音,很難描繪,但是總是會讓人一聽到就跳起來。貓嘔吐的原因很多,有時候是吃太快,有時候是吐毛球等等,較多時候都是正常的反應不用太慌張,不過地板就是會出現一沱,不清理就會很頭大了,所以通常聽見就會立刻反應跳起來~ )
Indeed you are very smart! Your person is very lucky to have such a good camera--although she takes photos of you so how could she take anything bad?!
There is a reason why you are #1 Adan...
You are very, very clever!
The fake vomit noise was a brilliant idea!
Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Purrthday!
♥ Maggie May
Oooh. That is perfect. You are without a doubt the smartest cat in the world. Thanks for sharing that.
WOW Adan, I have to try that. Mom has a heart attack if I start to throw up.
This is just the best idea ever!
This morning mom slept late. I came to her at 6:30 (daddy let me out of my warm room) and I snuggled with mom, but she did not wake up. So, I went down stairs and played with dad. Then I went back to mom at 8:00 and told her "Get up, I made a really smelly poop, come look"
Happy week-end Adan to you and Lego.
Hey, this is great, soon I will have a little brother too, one month!
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