Tuesday, April 20, 2010

七喜、可樂、雪碧和芬達 & 4 kitties are waiting to be adopted

Michico : Dora's house right now has 4 kitties ready to be adopted. Let's wish them have love forever home soon! I shot these 4 kitties last night and I am so crushed by their adorable immediately, I hope their mommy and daddy could be shown soon. Dora's sister usually feed a black street cat daily, one day she founds that cat pregnant and weak, so she let the cat inside her home and carry the children, and here they are. And Dora & her sister right now help these 4 babies find new home.
1. 首先,是可愛的黑白貓七喜女孩。放第一張照片,是因為一定要跟大家推薦黑白貓,真的是非常貼心的好貓咪。黑白貓的心思非常細膩,而且肯定是你的知心,會是非常聰明的孩子。
They named these 4 kitties as soda's name, this tuxi girl is 7UP.
2. 再來是可樂小男生,這個可愛的男生有沒有很吸引你?
2. This one is Coke . Isn't he sweet?
3. 可愛的芬達小妹~
Very cute Fanta baby girl.
5. 標緻的七喜~~ 眼神超級迷濛啊~!
7UP again, very lovely eyes.
6. 愛睏的可樂弟弟,太可愛了,完全不知道自己嘴巴上面粘了一粒貓砂~~
He is Coke.
7. 七喜妹在啃饅頭 1.
7. 7UP is grooming hand.
8. 七喜妹在啃饅頭 2 + 迷濛的電眼。
8. Grooming and very beautiful eyes.
9. 這位可能是雪碧~
9. Thie is SPRITE~
10. 四隻滿月貓搶著喝奶~~
4 Kitties.
11. 七喜妹喝得喳喳叫,好好喝~!
12. 可樂弟弟喝得飽到睡著了~
Coke is sleeping now. Oah so cute.
13. 也快要不支的雪碧妹妹~
14. 幸福枕著雪碧睡覺的可樂~~
So so adorable, some one please, adopted him~~ hahaha~~
15. 被壓著的雪碧,好悲苦的臉太可愛了~!
16. 雪碧說,我這麼可愛,一定很多人會喜愛我的!!
Won't you love him?
17. 雪碧說,我...我....我也很可愛....
18. 雪碧和可樂,睡在一起,暢快你的心 ~!
19. 睡翻了....
20. 一整個幸福~~~
Now they are over 1 month, after 2 month old will be ready to go.
21. 放大的幸福~~~
22. 會給你生活幸福的小雪碧~~~
23. 讓你永遠不會蛀牙的可樂~~
24. 沙沙沙級的媽媽也要來個幾張特寫!!
And this is the Mom, Blacky.
25. 米黑真的是很棒的媽媽 :) 如果有心想要領養這3 個小孩的話,請參考鼠貓一家親 - 這幾位寶貝蛋目前的保姆玉山玉燕,跟她們聯繫。這幾位孩子體質都很優秀,都比阿丹和樂高剛剛抱回來的時候體質都還要硬,所以更不用擔心身體健康狀況,一定是很不錯的:) 黑白貓的撒嬌、虎班的活潑聰穎,都是陪伴你人生的好選擇。
I hope they could find their forever home soon.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh such adorable kits!!! I just love kits!!!

後母 said...


andophiroxia said...

Bubble Up and Rose Soda.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope the cutie kitties find their forever homes really soon!

Anonymous said...

OMC~!!! They are darling! Mom LOVES the soda names too! We hope they find furrever home furry soon!

Daisy said...

They are gorgeous! I hope they find their Forever home soon!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

They are beautiful! We will be purring for them to find good homes! Bless your friend for taking them in!